In 1996, the late William Safire called Hillary Clinton “a congenital liar.” His label was to become even more apropos over time.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed in May 2015, Judicial Watch received 756 pages of Clinton’s emails on Thursday which had been sent or received over her private server. Unfortunately for Hillary, the FBI had been able to recover some of the emails her staff had tried to delete and/or destroy after she had received a congressional subpoena to turn them over.

The subpoena was sent on March 4, 2015 and the emails were destroyed sometime between March 25-31st.

Contrary to Hillary’s denials, there were both work-related and classified emails among those obtained by Judicial Watch.

Here are a few examples (obtained from Judicial Watch):

January 16, 2009 – January 24, 2009: A classified email exchange between Blair and Clinton with the subject “Re: Gaza.”

On January 16, 2009, Blair relayed information he learned from Middle East leaders and noted that he wanted to get something “resolved before Tuesday” (when Obama would be sworn in as president). Clinton responded to Blair on January 19, 2009, writing “Tony – We are finally moving and I am looking forward to talking w you as soon as I’m confirmed, tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. Your emails are very helpful so pls continue to use this address,” Blair followed up by saying “It would be great if we could talk before any announcements are made.”

On January 16, 2009, Hillary had not yet been sworn in as Secretary of State. Yet she, like Michael Flynn, was communicating with a foreign government. Although it’s reasonable for members of a transition team to interact with their foreign counterparts, why were Flynn’s contacts with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak monitored and recorded while Hillary’s were unquestioned? A rhetorical question only.

January 29, 2009: Blumenthal emailed Clinton. The subject is “Good Cop, Bad Cop.”

Blumenthal informs Clinton that his sources tell him that an “attack” on the appointment by Obama of former Sen. George Mitchell as Special Envoy to the Middle East was “coordinated by Jewish institutional leaders and carefully scripted.” Also cited is Mitchell’s “Arab descent” as making him “politically vulnerable.” Blumenthal told Clinton that any conversations she had with Netanyahu “flows directly and instantly back to top (U.S.) Jewish leadership.” Further on in his memo, Blumenthal says that Netanyahu and “Jewish leadership” should “be expected to use political means, including outsourcing personal attacks” to counter Obama administration moves and said Netanyahu was “deeply connected to political networks in the U.S. – media, Jewish groups, Republican leaders, and right-wing Christian” organizations. To provide a “heat shield” from Netanyahu’s attacks, Blumenthal advises Clinton that Obama should hire a “bad cop” who is “organically tied to the President” and a “political appointee, Jewish, considered a true friend of Israel…” Clinton responded by saying, “Thanks for these. And I will call you in the next few days.”

Early 2009: Retired Army Gen. Jack Keane sent Clinton classified information. The subject line of the email is redacted. The text contained a discussion about Iraq.

October 29, 2009:

A Clinton Foundation employee and close Clinton adviser Sid Blumenthal forwarded a proposal for a commercial contract related to improvised explosive devices (IEDs) from retired CIA officer-turned-contractor Gary Berntsen, to Clinton (copying Cheryl Mills), saying that Berntsen had been “unable to break through the bureaucracy with it.” Mills then forwarded the email to Jake Sullivan. Blumenthal noted that “Cody [Shearer] and I are following up.” Blumenthal and Shearer were both implicated in the creation of the Obama administration’s anti-Trump Russia “collusion” counterintelligence operation by providing “reports” relating to Trump-Russia collusion to the U.S. Government.

 September 2, 2010:

In an email exchange marked classified, longtime Clinton confidante Lanny Davis tells Secretary Clinton that he could serve as a private channel for her to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he had a “private and highly trusted communication line, unofficial and personal, to PM N[etanyahu].” Davis goes on to say “[N]o one on the planet (other than your wonderful husband) can get this done as well as you.…” Secretary Clinton responds with classified information, saying “I will reach out to you directly and hope you will continue to do the same w me. The most important issue now is [Redacted B1].”

April 27, 2011: Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair sent classified information discussing Palestinian issues.

On May 19, 2011: Blair sent classified information about a speech.

On five occasions Clinton’s secretary, Lauren Jiloty, sent Clinton’s sensitive daily itinerary to her on her unsecure email account.

This is not a complete list, but it shows that Clinton used her private email server in the same way she would have used a secure one.

The emails speak for themselves. This is simply more confirmation that Hillary has lied and/or intentionally tried to mislead the press, lawmakers and the American people. There is ample evidence for the DOJ to open an investigation or to appoint a special counsel. Recall that the FBI had no evidence when they opened their counterintelligence investigation of candidate Donald Trump in July 2016 and no evidence when Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to the special counsel in May 2017.

If Attorney General William Barr takes no action against Hillary Clinton, then America’s current two tier system of justice will stand. She must be held accountable.